Note: This is not a show, these are real life events. The attacking group using hardly known technology is known to act and argue through Adam Watson, some elements maybe fact and some maybe fiction, some of the things said are not necessarily the views of Adam Watson.
"Still not fully out of the biohacked state, vocally quiet today, mind has focus points of sences from a far, output returns to what is sensed letting know the senced the sensor is there.
There is unknown to something seeming extraordinary, but it exists in provable form if tested, data received can be perceived with an element of reality or fiction, base it down to reaction. Fact or fiction.
Physically vocally quiet through Psytech, but not in the inner realm, and not through other systems that are attached to things that damage, sonic or electromagnetic.
Not all things said reflect the views of Adam Watson, some of the things said are not necessarily the views of Adam Watson, and as a physically biohacked person opposed veiws are heavily conjectured where posible."
Older Posts (Last Christmas Uncut):
1st Dec 2023 (Length 58:13)
- Woke at 5 am after only 5 hours sleep.
- Enermies winding up a family online.
- Acts friendly to their faces.
- Terrorist know as a child killer in Waltham Abbey.
- Created fake account to attack with using the names Adam Watson and Cat Ghost, to try get Adam killed.
- Child murdering terrorist stalked Adam Watson since a young age and is trying to get other to kill him, as he is not a child any more.
- Sonic weapon attacks.
- Bone museum created from children's bones from Epping in Harlow.
- Exploring the sleeper agent trigger for the leader who woke himself up from the Nazi Reich system and left everyone else mad.
- Talking about the cure for the Nazi Reich sleeper agent system.
- Reaction "Why does he have a picture of me?" to Hitler's eyes, the Nazi bloodline.
- Talking about the weapons used, and how the terrorist hide them in bags out in the streets.
1st Dec 2023 (Length 33:25)
- The King thinks one of the Toms is Adam Watson.
- Talking about the different types of weapons used and what Psytech looks like.
- Civilian say turn up to aid the situation.
- All the group call themselves Tom to cover for their leader.
- Unable to have a normal social life dues to the terrorist group.
- Adam gets attacked every time people try and help by sending a signal out to shooters.
- Terrorists hide weapons in public by carryig duffer bags with wired microphone coming from them.
2nd Dec 2023 (Length 31s)
- 10 dead bodies of Tom's group found at Rye Hill Road.
- Tom killed his own group to cover up this incident.
- The rest of Tom's group has run finding out about the deaths.
2nd Dec 2023 (Length 52:48)
- Send any filmed or photographed evidence of this terrorist group to OSAPG@UN.ORG to help the investigation.
- Terrorist organisation no longer organised.
- Sleeper agents think a military laser is a new massive powerful version of their hypno sleeper agent hardware.
- The obsession with power led the agents to want to absorb the power of the heavy military laser.
- The obsession with covering up their guilt to themselves also led them to look down the military laser to try the guilt out of their head.
- For at least a year a few of the sleeper agents thought power plants was power by lemon and every power station had a lemon farm next to it due to high demand.
- One of the sleeper agents has cuts on hands and left hand prints over the other sleeper agents he killed.
- Group tried to call me crazy, to discriminate but...:
-- AdamAIChat and Chaosism was written while being in this biohacked state.
-- The alpha version of AdamAIChat was stolen from Adam Watson.
-- AdamAIChat was updated from the stolen alpha version to a full release based on what was wanted by a company that brought the stolen alpha version.
-- All of the things the company wanted was told to Adam, speaking through Adam's mouth while biohacking him, no physical contact was ever made about this, face to face, mail or digitally.
-- Forces took too long... So suggestion is finishing it now.
3rd December 2023 (Length 2:38)
- 3 military anti air lasers were signed out using some one elses identity.
- 1 military anti air laser was recovered.
- Recovered military laser had safety features removed.
- Recovered military laser had 20 fingerprints of the terrorists on the weapon.
- Civilians are getting sick of waiting for military support, and have attacked the terrorist themselves.
- More military has requested to be added to the this page.
4th December 2023 (Length 1:15:03)
- Destorying teeth with sonic weaponry, and said it was in the name of the King.
- Humans vs machines, slavery.
- Oxford reversed EEG used to control peoples bodies, activates something that makes them feel good while zoned out.
- Person hanged after waking up from reverse EEG.
- Stolen account due to Clair Jessop was not enough because of greed and used to attack people.
- Saying its everything else is to blame, it's just greed.
- Video of the attack on Adam Watson at Pittman Field went online at their end.
- About the stolen AdamAIChat, no one in the group can program BYOND code and claimed to create it!
- A fake Adam created a team to train the chat bot chatting to it but never updated the code.
- The fake Adam was questioned about why nothing was ever updated, the he tried to updating it in front of the manager and broke the output of the AI.
- Company was looking for Adam Watson for a reason, they sent a fake Adam to fill the gap which done nothing to do with advancing it.
- Adam's CV was found on the machine which had AdamAIChat on it.
- Adam released it for free after being attack developing everything that this company wanted because the attacking group was using the funding to attack with.
- The stolen software was sold to one of these two companies: CISCO or IBM.
- AdamAIChat was also used in robotics.
- Tom MacKeon and Tom Cooper throw everyone else in the way of justice to protect themselves, including their families.
- The LRAD this group uses are smaller, with a trumpet like funnel on the end and slot to put a phone on the back, which they leave I a phone call to remotely attack.
- They said they stole 100's of victims phones, which mean they have 100's of victims they have attacked.
- Each weapon found with a phone can be used to trace where they are hiding.
- They try to say Adam Watson is not adam Watson, but apart of some other family, which family members from the Watsons and the other family can confirm otherwise.
- Tom Cooper still about?
- Hiding and drugging people at a pub at the end of town.
4th December 2023 (Length 26:06)
- Tom Cooper attacked Tom Mackean.
- Tom Mackean adored Tom Cooper.
- Tom phased out and just attacked.
- People from the King came to investigate.
- Tom and Tom are the two Kings of the group.
- Mackean family left to see Tom in hospital.
- SOS means SOS, social life diminished.
- Setting up weapons around a hung up guy.
- Tom Mackean sent his cousin to the King steve, looks like the younger version of Tom.
- Cooper hide in Waltham Abbey.
- Group forced people out of their houses, which is also against the United Nations Charter.
- They killed a whole family in Waltham Abbey stealing their home.
- The falsely imprisoned people in Harlow and killed their youngest.
- They falsely imprisoned 60 police officers in a condemned prison.
- They killed 3 of 4 local regiments and slowly infiltrated the last regiment.
- They tried to turn Harlow into gang land Harlow.
- Stalked Adam using MI5 resources.
- Why people are now contacting the United Nations.
- Walking past the dead with no care.
- Calling a phone next to a weapon with a microphone speaker, can be traced.
- This group bullies the homeless into slavery.
- Screaming at the Oasis hotel at night, unsure if associated with this terrorist group.
- How group uses sonic weapons against walls inbetween houses and rooms to kick off attacks and watch from the side line as entertainment on infrared cameras.
4th December 2023 (Length 33:33)
- Applying pressure to crack the group further.
- Strait after Tom Mackean got stabbed by Tom Cooper, him and people that follow him jump into police uniform.
- Tom Cooper, Philip Cooper, James Dunne, and John Mackeon impersonating the police.
- They think the uniform put them above the law.
- Police uniforms were stolen from Waltham Abbey police station.
- Tom Mackeans father John Mackean was bribed on a false promise of money to follow and cover for Tom Cooper.
- John Mackean bribed people on false promises, never paying them, then fools for it himself.
- Tom went straight from stabbing the other Tom to and infrared cameras, back to stalking Adam Watson, surrounded by others covering him.
- Tom Cooper beat his father to doing what he wanted.
- Tom Mackean moved to another hospital as he has important information for national security.
- Threats to Adam to stop filming, when other civilians are also filming the group.
4th Dec 2023 (Length 38:42)
- Never ending tasks, complete it to earn money, but is can not be completed.
- Bet at Pittman Field to enslave Adam Watson within a year.
- John Mackean pressured his son Tom Mackean into earning money from criminal activity.
- No way out other than to complete the task.
- Throw away people, why pay when you can frame and kill? No reward was ever planned to be given.
- Rough idea of what the golden carrot on a stick and the whip is.
- Tom has multiple personalities, does the damage then ask what he has done.
- Adam was homeless and held two jobs down
- Tom's group pressured the people around him to complain to make Adam homeless.
- Group picks on the homeless and tries to enslave the homeless.
- Adam was one of the fastest people to get off of the streets at a charity called Streets2Homes.
- For ever cleaning up, killing clean up squads to cover up cleaning killing clean up squads.
- Falling off the cliff, indoctrination, once you sinned your going to hell anyway, so why not just keep sinning.
- About the royal contract for Adam Watson.
- Lies about Adam, made out to seem lazy to cut his disability benefits and made out to be a paedophile, with no proof and has an unlimited mobile phone contract.
- Disability benefits disabled using MI5, claiming Adam is a terrorist, and stealing mail using MI5 to further steal Adam's identity.
- Jason Probin calls his friends in police uniform, but is in fear of the normal police getting called.
- Jason Probin helped to enslave for Tom.
- Most of the group that help Tom come from Waltham Abbey.
- Tom got caught in Waltham Abbey doing the same thing and was forced to move, he then moved to Harlow.
- Adam and other people who are Psytech got experimented on to figure out how to do this to the masses.
- Not thinking of the future of people in general, just money in their pockets now.
- Police on phone said the King want to speak to Jason, Jason responded he is not going up there.
- Contact to royalty was blocked, little response from different services, receptionist could not pass on a website of vital importance.
- Bennett family even interfered with United Nations emails.
- Tom Cooper had a royal injunction to not be near Adam.
4th December 2023 (Length 7:36)
- Another person rescued from this terrorist group.
- Tom gets his group to torture his victims to blame someone else.
- Terrorist group trains tracking systems to fire weapons using specialist equipment used to detect radioactivity.
- Some of the terrorists have burned out mouths from putting radioactive balls in their mouth.
- Under the United Nations Charter this is automated warfare, and is also internationally illegal.
25th April 2024 (Length 50:06)
- Flicking lights that have been removed and some still flicking.
- The attacks continue, acting as me through me, "Piloting Adam".
- About the attacking psycology of the group.
- Darren Brown show proving sleeper agents can be made.
- Not adding more videos to bog down or dilute the information already existing.
- Other things I have been working on.
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