Saturday, November 25, 2023

Crimson Face Event 25 Nov

Note: This is not a show, these are real life events. The attacking group using hardly known technology is known to act and argue through Adam Watson, some elements maybe fact and some maybe fiction, some of the things said may not be agreeable with the views of Adam Watson.

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25th Nov 2023

- Crimson face event.
- Event filmed by civilians, the privacy invading infrared network and Adams vocals of the mind to mind link Psytech.
- Church of Chaosism, Church of Tom, hypno religion.
- Hypnotized to treat hypnosis and mind control as a religion.
- Waking people up from hypnosis.
- The odd tape in the Nazi Reich hypnosis system that is different to wake up from.
- Rip apart a person and cover in blood.
- Cut across the face revealed a person started this event.
- Getting people together in one place covered in crimson paint.
- Top leader fears being covered in paint.
- Everyone feared a person's dog which he used to dominated people sexually, everyone is glad the dog is now dead.
- Body snatcher war.
- Confused about legal and illegal when it come to talking about hypno.
- Sleep deprivation saving the nation.
- Phishing for Adam's password.
- Banning of whole group using the same name  online.
- 4 years long jaw ache.
- Church of Tom cult style drag back to brainwash, to drag people in for undoing brain washing.
- Creating this event in the moment.
- Woman can be dangerous, don't upset them.
- Growing up on with computers with the previous generation not understanding it.
- Game industry and how it changed and how we looked it it compared to now.
- The effect of bubble wrapping your children.
- Planty grew!
- Blood line of the Hitler's and the Himmler's.
- Recording live at home of a remote event alone in my room, mind to mind link talking from home alone, proof at 2:37:40.
- Hypnotized to a script.

25th Nov 2023

- Crimson face event.
- Event filmed by civilians, the privacy invading infrared network and Adams vocals of the mind to mind link Psytech.
- Church of Chaosism, Church of Tom, hypno religion.
- Hypnotized to treat hypnosis and mind control as a religion.
- Waking people up from hypnosis.
- Johns story of going to London to look for the Nazi Reich hypnosis tube, and his spiritual journey.
- Unexpected and unintended religious doctrine  from people who don't understand the situation, no brain washing involved!

25th Nov 2023

- Crimson face event.
- Event filmed by civilians, the privacy invading infrared network and Adams vocals of the mind to mind link Psytech.
- Church of Chaosism, Church of Tom, hypno religion.
- Hypnotized to treat hypnosis and mind control as a religion.
- Waking people up from hypnosis.
- Trying to get everyone in one place to clear their mind before the event starts using Church of Tom triggers and brain washing.
- The Church of Tom was a cult.
- The Church of Tom used to drag people in and keep them captive to brainwash.

25th Nov 2023

- Crimson face event.
- Event filmed by civilians, the privacy invading infrared network and Adams vocals of the mind to mind link Psytech.
- Church of Chaosism, Church of Tom, hypno religion.
- Hypnotized to treat hypnosis and mind control as a religion.
- Waking people up from hypnosis.
- Unlocking memories.
- Planty!
- Last few people staying away stopping the process of awakening.
- Waking up to seeing someone who not seen a person in years, even though they have hung around with them since a young age.
- Even the leaders arrived and took part.
- Talking about Nazi Germany and Hitler.
- Most people go into power not after war.
- About propaganda in war.
- Assuming Adam's point of view based on a small event in Adam's life can be wrong.
- Nazi hypnosis unlocks like Russian dolls.
- Prisoner of war for war crimes.
- Prisoner of war wants to call police but scared of DNA test.
- Imagination vs reality.

25th Nov 2023

- Crimson face event.
- Event filmed by civilians, the privacy invading infrared network and Adams vocals of the mind to mind link Psytech.
- Church of Chaosism, Church of Tom, hypno religion.
- Hypnotized to treat hypnosis and mind control as a religion.
- Waking people up from hypnosis.
- About the sonic thumper, ultrasonic earthquakes weapon.
- About the London trains go faster button.
- Tom called Dan or Bob for his comfort.
- Trying to shut down the event with psycology.
- D20 and D6, keep doing a crime, more you do it, the more likely you are to get caught.
- Questions about AdamAIChat and how long Adam has known he has been attack.
- Child was attacked which ended the session.
- DNA evidence aquired and sent to the police.

25th Nov 2023

- Crimson face event ended, for now...
- 5 people followed Adam up the road while Adam was trying to get out for a small bit to deal with the stress to apply more stress.
- It was my phones fault... An inanimate object.
- How many saw the attack on the child with the attackers own cameras, about 10000 people.
- 3 attackers got handcuffed to stair railing in a house.
- Evidence sent outside Harlow to police of child attack.
- Magician who wears nothing but a coat admits to having implanted stolen human hair in his head.
- If hair does not match other DNA on body, you will be done for DNA crime.
- Everyone one in this attacking group had their hair cut apart from this one magician.
- Magician showed criminals how to pick locks and handcuffs.
- Magician said he acted as police.
- Magician wanted for questioning but never was caught, extreme escape artist.
- Magician uses psytech to push the blame of himself onto other people calling himself the psychic paedophile hunter.
- Making sure we are accurate.
- More nastiness found on persons phone, found by civilian, nothing substantial about the group.
- Adam was very tired and still angry at what happened with the child, did not want to make mistakes, but listening back, wished the magician also got cut.

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